QiMail Archive: October, 2021 Cook Now, Enjoy Later!

Nov 17, 2021 | HealthBoost, Healthy Aging, Healthy Eating, Newsletters Archive, Nutrition, Wellness

Check out the latest QiMail Newsletter HERE.

Food is the energy source for our bodies. We can’t function properly and do the things we need to do if we don’t have the proper nutrition. Most of us know this on an intellectual level, but our busy lives preclude easy access to good food. So we resort to nutrient deficient, low-energy sources like junk food, fast food or snack bars to satisfy our hunger. What’s a busy person to do?

This month’s QiMail newsletter is packed with some ideas for improving your health and living an optimal life. Want to learn more? Give our office a call at (815) 788.838.

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