The goal of acupuncture is to eliminate pain, rebalance the flow of blood, oxygen and restore the body's natural healing ability so that the body can return to a state of balance and harmony. We offer Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine, Facial Acupuncture & Cupping, as well as Chinese Ophthamology.
Radiant Aging & Stress Reduction
Jumpstart cellular repair and regeneration with advanced treatments designed to help slow the aging process, reduce the impact of stress on the body and to heal energetically. Our unique approach uses PEMF biofeedback & red light therapies, full-spectrum infrared sauna options, as well as Reiki energy healing.
Facial Rejuvenation
The goal of facial rejuvenation treatments is to boost collagen & healthy cell turnover while increasing nutrient absorption. Our precision devices & techniques offer a safe & natural alternative to invasive facial procedures. Our repertoire includes cosmetic acupuncture, facial cupping, microneedling, & red light therapy.
Body Optimization
Our patient-centered approach uses multiple modalities to holistically address the root causes of pain, scarring and other imbalances, including tools such as PEMF therapy, ZYTO Technology Bio-Surveys, Thermography, Therapeutic Massage and more.
Your Body In Balance
Natural Solutions For Optimal Health & Wellness______________
Nature’s Balance Acupuncture & Wellness Center provides natural solutions to help you achieve optimal health & wellness. Our highly skilled practitioners bring balance to the body through customized, patient-centered services that target a full array of health concerns. Whether your goals are preventive, cosmetic, or healing in nature, our clinic’s uniquely effective body-balancing modalities can help.
Contact us at (815) 788.8383 to make an appointment for your Comprehensive Health Evaluation today.
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What Our Clients Are Saying
I am middle-age, average weight, and in good physical condition. There is degeneration in the lower spine; L4-L5 discs. Some scoliosis is present. The back became problematic twelve years ago. I truly believe that it was because of your treatments that I was able to make it through both the fall and winter without any back incidents. I travel twenty-five miles to be treated, and consider it well worth it. Results are due to your expert technique in acupuncture. I find you knowledgeable, informative, and patient with any questions asked. I feel well cared for and confident that I am receiving the gold-standard in acupuncture care.
-Art (Rockford, IL)
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