Bulletproof Your Body: TCM, Your Immune System & the Coronavirus

Mar 6, 2020 | Acupuncture, Immunity, Traditional Chinese Medicine

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), exogenous diseases including epidemics are determined by the outcome of the fight of healthy qi, or internal energy, against pathogens, AKA a foreign invader. The healthy qi is the internal basis of the disease, while pathogenic factors are external causes of the illness.

A person may contract a disease when pathogens defeat the healthy qi, which means pathogenic factors play a decisive role in causing a disease in a human being. 

With the current outbreak of the coronavirus in China, President Xi Jinping, President of People’s Republic of China, has made clear instruction to integrate TCM with Western medicine in its treatment.

Based on its theory and practice, TCM can prove effective in the treatment of influenza, including the novel coronavirus, as it can help to support and build your immune system.  Here are some steps you can follow to make your body more bulletproof!

  1. Take a cold five-minute shower!  That five-minute shower is 20 seconds of cold with 10 seconds of hot 10 times through for five minutes. That’s it. Cold-hot-cold-hot 10 times through.  For more information on the benefits of cold showers on your immune system, hear directly from the Ice Man himself, Wim Hof.
  2. Time-Restrict your eating: WHEN you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat.  When you fast for 12-16 hours, you feel hungry at times and that’s good! It causes a depletion of white blood cells and triggers stem cell-based regeneration of new immune system cells.
  3. Start taking MycoIMMUNE (available in our clinic): contains Organic Reishi, Organic Chaga, and Organic Turkey Tail mushroom extracts for all-season immunity support.
  4. Use an infrared sauna regularly.   Infrared saunas raise core body temperature, helping to keep the immune system strong and in good working order. 
  5. Come in for an ONDAMED treatment.  The ONDAMED is a non-invasive method that uses pulsed resonant frequencies, which jump-starts the body’s immune functions and directs the immune response to the area of dysfunction.  
  6. Acupuncture – Acupuncture raises anti-body formation, stimulates lymphatics, increases basal cell activity (a key component in overall immunity) and enhances natural killer cells.  When needled, acupoint Stomach 36 increases white cell count up to 60% within 2-3 hours of treatment. White blood cells are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders.  Acupuncture also lowers and regulates stress hormones associated with a) decreased immunity, b) pain, c) insomnia, d) inflammation, e) digestive disorder, f) poor vagal tone, g) anxiety, h) depression, and much, much more!  

When I’m feeling a little under the weather, I have a multi-pronged strategy to get back up to 100% quickly. Supplements like Vitamin C, Glutathione, Vitamin A, Lauricidin, herbs like MycoIMMUNE, Gan Mao Ling Jie Du Wan and/or Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan, SaunaONDAMED and Acupuncture.  

The key to not getting sick is, first and foremost, to support your immune system. In the event a foreign invader penetrates your defenses, you need to catch the invader as early as possible and treat AGGRESSIVELY!  In order to do that, you need to identify your unique early warning sign(s) of an impending foreign invasion!  Mine is a dry, scratchy throat.

Please call our office today to schedule an appointment to create your personalized Immune Improvement Plan.

(815) 788-8383

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