Top 10 All-Natural Seasonal Allergy Remedies

May 1, 2019 | Acupuncture, Allergies, Supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine

Prone to allergies or already experiencing symptoms? Spring waits for no one. Time to get on the proactive all-natural allergy remedy train. Here’s our Top 10 natural seasonal remedies to try even before symptoms start to appear.


#10 – APPLE CIDER VINEGAR can help reduce mucous production and cleanse your lymphatic system. Try adding a tablespoon to a cup of hot water with a bit of honey.


#9 – EXERCISE produces an anti-inflammatory effect in your nasal passages, helping to naturally reduce allergy symptoms.


#8 – LOCAL HONEY can help your body learn that the local habitat isn’t a threat to your immune system.


#7 – SALINE NASAL SPRAYS flush your nasal passages and keep allergy symptoms at bay.


#6 – PROBIOTICS can balance the body’s immune system by introducing beneficial bacteria to your digestive tract.


#5 – NETTLE LEAF can help naturally block your body’s ability to produce histamine. Try steeping with peppermint leaves and a little honey to create a delicious, healthful tea.


#4 – INFRARED SAUNA has demonstrated marked improvements in allergy sufferers, especially those who are predisposed to allergic rhinitis. One way it works is by improving heart rate variability, thus creating a positive change in autonomic nervous system function.


#3 – AVOIDING COMMON FOOD TRIGGERS can help ensure your immune system doesn’t go haywire at the first sign of a seasonal aggressor. Some people find they need to avoid certain nuts/seeds, wheat, soy, bananas, sugar, or dairy products to stay symptom-free.


#2 – WATER can hydrate your system and tone down the effects of any allergies you may be susceptible to.


#1 – ACUPUNCTURE mobilizes the pathways that govern our inflammatory, histamine and immune response to prevent allergy flare-ups.


Want to learn more? Give our office a call and we’d be happy to help you navigate a path to being free of allergy symptoms.

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