Sleep. The ultimate bliss for some, yet completely elusive for many others. So many that, in 2014, the CDC made sleep deprivation a public health epidemic. Chronic sleep loss shows in a variety of ways: From complexion, bags and circles under the eyes to terrifyingly impaired cognition, decreased immune function, moodiness, and an inability to recover from daily stressors, sleep loss takes its toll.   In 2017, SleepScore Labs conducted the largest consumer sleep study in history and showed that few people actually get the minimum number of hours of rest needed for good health. The good news is that a comprehensive wellness center like Nature’s Balance has a variety of tools in their arsenal to deal with chronic sleep problems. In fact, we can perform a sleep assessment so you can see how YOUR sleep stacks up. What we’ll be looking at in the assessment is what your brain waves are doing during the day using a test + treatment tool called BrainTap. The results of the pre-test can say a lot about what we can do to improve your sleep and, thus, give your performance, memory, mood, and more a boost. Even if you’re not an insomniac, you could get some cool insights into the brain frequency patterns that affect restfulness and other aspects of your life.

Call to schedule a sleep assessment: 815-788-8383

Now that we know your sleep habits, brain frequency patterns & symptoms, let’s take a look at the variety of tools in our toolbox to manage common sleep disturbances:


One of the most consistently effective sleep improvement techniques in our practice, as you may have guessed, is acupuncture. And the evidence is beyond anecdotal – there’s also strong clinical evidence behind acupuncture for sleep. Like a train, acupuncture works by helping your body get back on track. Acupuncturists help put the energy of the train back on the right track so it can get from point A to point B on its own. Insomnia may be stemming from a different place in one person versus another, so a good acupuncturist will treat the whole person, not just the symptom. After one session, regardless of what you are being treated for, many people notice better sleep that same night, reduced stress, and a feeling of calm and well-being.


The ONDAMED is a unique technology offering a personalized treatment approach utilizing electro-magnetic field stimulation. Combined with the patients’ own pulse biofeedback, it provides a non-invasive breakthrough modality for pain relief, treatment of soft tissue injuries and wound healing. In addition, it’s also wonderful for stress reduction and promoting restful sleep!  The non-invasive pulsed electromagnetic frequencies stimulate natural healing responses in targeted areas related to relaxation. Results are often noticed within a few 30-60 minute sessions, and the treatment pairs well with traditional acupuncture.


BrainTap rebalances brain waves to help maintain a normal brainwave pattern. One of the most profound outcomes of using this treatment method is drastically improved sleep. That’s because BrainTap boosts brain levels of serotonin, betaendorphins and norepinephrine to improve overall well-being. The device provides light and sound frequency changes that alter the frequencies in the brain to help you feel more focused, clear-headed, and rested. It’s like a powerful dose of meditation (even for those of us who struggle to meditate!) – and the best part is that you can see a difference in just a few 20 minute sessions.  

Call to schedule a trial: 815-788-8383


At Nature’s Balance, we determine whether or not someone needs to supplement their diet with certain nutrients based on two testing protocols. We use saliva hormone testing or a ZYTO scan to determine one’s precise needs so patients save money and have much greater success on a fewer number of supplements, targeted specifically for them. Here are some of our favorite supplements for sleep, all of which can be purchased right at the wellness clinic: Kavinase PM combines three powerful ingredients to promote the onset and improve the quality of sleep: GABA‚ 4-amino-3-phenylbutyric acid‚ which easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a GABA agonist, and 5-HTP to support the production of serotonin‚ which is the precursor to melatonin. Inner Peace, a high-quality adaptogen blend, features reishi mushrooms to help balance your HPA axis so you can remain calm and clear during times of sudden or unexpected stress. It also helps with long-term and low-level stress, which can eventually wear you down. Nano-Enhanced Hemp Oil by PrimeMyBody is a ground-breaking liquid delivery system offering precise dosing and immediate effect that far outpaces tinctures and is safe for all ages. Other favorites you can also get on our online store:
  • 5 HTP
  • L-Theanine
  • Fish Oil
  • Cherry Juice
  • Magnesium Glycinate
  • L-Tryptophan
  • Melatonin


Beyond specific treatments like the ones outlined above, there are many at-home ways you can get the upper hand over your sleeplessness and take back your nights. Management of sleep problems can fall into two categories: Stimulus Control and Sleep Hygiene. First, we need to manage the environment to make sleep as inviting as possible. Then, we can introduce habits that promote healthy, deep sleep.


Think of your bedroom like a cave: Cool, dark and quiet.
  1. Use the bed and bedroom only for sleep. Don’t read books or magazines, watch TV, work, eat or worry while in bed.
  2. Make sure your environment is very, very dark. Our circadian rhythm operates on light, so the darker the better. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask, if necessary.
  3. Avoid screen-time within an hour or two of bedtime. If you must read on your phone or tablet, try blue-light blocking glasses to protect your eyes from the wake-inducing blue wavelengths. Also, be sure your phone is set to night-time mode so it reduces blue light after a certain time in the evening.
  4. Sounds may also disturb your sleep environment. If you cannot make your space quiet, try a white-noise machine or ear-plugs so you can tune out the world and encourage deeper sleep.
  5. Your body temperature actually decreases to initiate sleep, so if your room is on the cool side, it will be much easier to fall asleep. The ideal range is between 60-67° F.  Keeping the room cool, but your feet warm will help push your internal thermostat to the right place for sleep.
  6. It goes without saying, your mattress should be comfortable. Channel your inner Goldilocks and find what suits you best.
  7. If pain is what is still preventing sleep, address it with acupuncture and other pain-relieving treatments.


  1. Avoid caffeine-containing products (including coffee, tea and chocolate), nicotine and alcohol, especially after noon.
  2. Avoid heavy meals within two hours of bedtime.
  3. Avoid loud, noisy, over-active environments or too much exercise in the evening.
  4. Create a bedtime routine that involves methods that help you relax and unwind. (Gentle yoga/stretching, meditation, reading, having a cup of tea, taking a hot shower, Epsom salt bath, etc.)
  5. Avoid watching TV in bed.
  6. Encourage thoughts of gratitude and positivity as you try to fall asleep.
  7. Awaken at the same time each day, including weekends.
  8. Try to avoid daytime naps. If they are necessary, make sure to do so before 3pm and for no longer than one hour.
  9. Pursue regular physical activity, such as walking or gardening, but avoid vigorous exercise too close to bedtime.
We hope that this information helps you get the rest you need to support your health & well-being. Please connect with us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation to see how we can help you improve your sleep.

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