Why Is Holiday Weight Gain So Difficult To Lose?

Nov 29, 2018 | Acupuncture, Healthy Eating, Weight Loss, Wellness

Have you ever wondered why weight gain following the holiday season takes so much more effort to lose? It’s astounding how much weight gain occurs en masse toward the end of the year. In fact, according to the folks at Elite HRV, “In just 6 weeks, we gain more weight than the rest of the year combined, and may never fully lose it (without significant effort).”

In fact, weight change statistics throughout the year from people across three countries show you’re not alone. Your personal patterns may differ, but the reality is, this cumulative weight gain adds up — for a LOT of us.

So what’s the takeaway?

Now is a great time to MAINTAIN health while still taking advantage of the joys of the season. Learn how to manage your stress and develop a better understanding of why this weight gain occurs. It’s often the overlooked stress of the season that has an even greater impact than just the social smorgasbords and holiday eating.

Think about it — you probably have a busier schedule, you may be cramming work in so you can take time off, there’s all the hectic holiday travel, shopping anxieties, planning, etc. Not to mention the sleep disruptions from more alcohol and perhaps a drop in your regular workouts. Sound familiar?

Bottom line: These stressors DO affect your metabolism and fat storage. Cortisol wreaks havoc on your system come holiday time, so what can we do?

A few simple strategies from our friends at Elite HRV can help break the holiday weight gain cycle:

  • Small digestive resets. A short fast the day after a big meal can work wonders. It may feel hard, especially if you drank alcohol, but waiting at least 16 hours after a big meal can help your digestive system reset and help balance out your overall caloric intake.
  • Give acupuncture a try. A growing body of evidence points to acupuncture’s protective effect against the stress response by resetting and rebalancing the body’s meridians.
  • If you’re traveling, pack ear plugs and a sleep mask to increase sleep quality by mitigating noise and light.
  • Try not to eat or drink alcohol right before bed.
  • If you’re changing time zones, temporary use of melatonin before bed can help you adjust faster. Step outside and get morning sunlight exposure to reset circadian rhythm.
  • Moderately intense exercise before big meals can help deliver extra calories to muscle repair instead of fat storage. Even exercising the day before a big meal can help! They don’t have to be long workouts to be effective.

Don’t forget about our 2019 Holiday Specials. Call to learn more.

Happy Holidays!

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