Top 5 No-Nonsense Supplements For Optimal Thyroid Health

May 29, 2017 | Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, Hormones, Supplements, Thyroid, Traditional Chinese Medicine

It’s no secret that the thyroid regulates our basal metabolism, the foundation of our body’s functioning. If that isn’t working properly, there may be other hormones that aren’t functioning properly either. The point is, sometimes the gland itself is not actually the root cause of imbalance. In some cases, disregulated thyroid hormone is actually a result of poorly functioning adrenal hormones or vice versa. The body doesn’t always work in a nice orderly fashion all the time, and it’s our job to sleuth out the root causes so we can support the body’s natural return to good health. Besides acupuncture, stress reduction and a host of other ways we can help at Nature’s Balance, there are some simple, no-nonsense supplements anyone can use to help support healthy thyroid functioning. Find them at Nature’s Balance Acupuncture & Wellness Center or ask about the right supplements for you at your next appointment. Vitamin D3 Apex Energetics Ultra D 5000* “Nearly every tissue and cell type in the body has receptors for vitamin D. As a result of this discovery, much higher doses are required for optimal functioning.” * Dosage depends on your Vitamin D levels found through a blood test.  If you have not had one recently with your doctor, we can help with that.     Selenium Thorne Selenium* Selenium’s beneficial role is not limited to its antioxidant function; it is also necessary for conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to active T3. * Other benefits & signs of deficiency from Dr. Axe. * Best Food Source: Brazil Nuts (1 cup = 607 mcg (1,103% DV). Try 6-8 per day or more if you can fit it into your diet without causing weight gain!   Magnesium Metagenics Mag Citrate* Magnesium is used in over 300 processes in the body.  If you are deficient, a lot of necessary tasks may not be happening in your body! * Should You Be Taking a Magnesium Supplement?       Tumero Active Apex Energetics Turmero Active* Turmero™ Active (curcumin) helps to support the immune system and the liver’s detoxication activity with a unique concentrated source of curcuminoids (95%) with black pepper extract to aid in absorption. * 37 Proven Health Benefits of Curcumin. Curcumin is a well studied and versatile supplement – and it’s one of my favorites. Confused by the synonymity between curcumin and turmeric? Go here.   Thiamine Life Extension B1* Vitamin B1, aka thiamine, is a coenzyme used by the body to metabolize food for energy and to maintain proper heart and nerve function. Thiamine is used to digest and extract energy from the foods you eat by turning nutrients into useable energy. * More about the benefits and signs of deficiency.  

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