I Think I’m Sick – Now What – Part V – How Did We Do?

Dec 3, 2016 | Supplements, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Treatment Plan, Wellness

Okay. You were sick, in pain, lethargic, or suffering from something that was adversely affecting your quality of life. So, you jumped on board the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) train. You wanted to get better, and you were willing to do whatever it took. You and your practitioner developed a comprehensive treatment plan to address each specific problem or condition you had been experiencing. You received the prescribed acupuncture treatments. Perhaps you also took advantage of other services including massage therapy, infrared sauna therapy, or rapid-release therapy. You made the commitment to nourish your body with natural food choices and the best possible supplements. Now, to paraphrase Dr. Phil’s trademark question, “So how’d that work out for you?”

Hopefully, the answer to that question is, “Great!” That is where the re-evaluation comes in. During a re-evaluation, you and your practitioner will sit down again and revisit each of the problems you reported when you first embarked on this journey to wellness. Together, you will decide if this symptom or issue has been improved, resolved, or none of the above. These re-evaluations would be performed every eight visits; this gives the treatment(s) enough time to produce tangible and quantifiable results if they are working – but also allows you to quickly redirect if certain treatments are not proving to be effective for you. Some conditions may require additional hormone, thyroid, or blood testing to determine if the treatments were effective.  In this case, these tests would be performed anywhere from 1 to 6 months after starting treatments.

Treatment Phases

By the time of the first re-evaluation, many patients will find themselves significantly improved and in the Correction phase of treatment, and by the second or third re-evaluation, patients often find that they are in the Wellness phase of treatment – which is exactly where we would like you to be!

The bottom line is, the problems you initially reported, combined with the treatments received, the frequency of treatments, and the efficacy of these treatments, drives your ongoing treatment plan. We want you to live the life you want to live and do the things you want to do. To that goal, we treat – evaluate – adjust. It’s that simple.

Upping the Ante

One important thing to keep in mind: If you are not holding up your end of the treatment plan – maybe you’re not eating right, you aren’t coming in for all of your treatments, etc. – you aren’t going to achieve the results you want to achieve. But that’s not the end of the world. We all have lapses every now and then. If this is the case, we just “up the ante.” During the re-evaluation, we’ll look for progress and successes that you have achieved, and build on those. We’ll modify your treatment plan, and make a new plan that will be something you can commit to.


Here is what some of our patients have to say about Nature’s Balance Acupuncture & Wellness Center, and the treatments they have received:







Watch more patient testimonials at https://www.naturesbalanceacupuncture.com/testimonials.html


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