Using Traditional Chinese Medicine Techniques for Your Allergies

Apr 25, 2016 | Acupuncture, Allergies, Functional Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wellness

woman with flu

With the spring season often comes a time for many allergy sufferers to start stocking up on their allergy medications, waiting until allergy season is over. However, many do not understand that there are more natural solutions, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine available that can help to treat allergies, allowing them to enjoy the outdoors, without requiring the use of medications.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), allergies are often caused by a disharmony in the body, with wind being the biggest culprit. From wind dampness, to wind heat, to wind cold, the combination of wind with other factors will trigger allergy symptoms, such as itchy and puffy eyes, scratchy throat, and sneezing.


With the practice of acupuncture, simply by having very thin needles gently placed under the skin on different parts of the body, any allergy sufferer can be relieved of their allergy symptoms almost immediately. Even better news, with the right treatment plan, the possibility of complete remission of allergies can be achieved.

Herbal Supplements

The use of certain herbal supplements can greatly reduce allergy symptoms or reactions. Herbs, such as green tea, can act as a natural antihistamine, which helps to avoid congestions. Butterbur and licorice root are other herbs that can also act as an antihistamine, allowing you to breathe easier. However, before you decide to use herbal supplements to treat your allergies, you must always consult with your doctor in order to ensure these are right for you and your allergy needs.


Many people do not realize how their diet will affect their allergies, especially when it comes to increasing the build up of mucous, aka dampness. When there is a higher amount of mucous in the body, an allergy sufferer will have a stronger allergic reaction. One way to prevent this through diet is by eliminating foods that contain dairy, sweets, and cold items, instead replacing them with foods that are easy to digest, such as lightly cooked vegetables. In addition, supplements that support the digestive process, such as digestive enzymes and/or HCL, can also be helpful in supporting the digestive process.

If you are suffering from allergies this season, contact Nature’s Balance Acupuncture and Wellness Center today for more information on how we can help.

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