Spring and Rejuvenation: Products to Help You Along the Way

Apr 12, 2016 | Acupuncture, Detoxing, Functional Medicine, Rejuvenation, Wellness


In our first segment on spring and rejuvenation, we discussed the importance of the liver in your well being, and a few lifestyle modifications that you can make to help detoxify your liver, e.g., eliminating of toxins in your diet, eating foods that actually help heal your body, and clearing your mind of unhealthy stress. Our second segment explained some specific treatment options like infrared saunas and infrared body wraps, and how they can be powerful tools in the process of detoxifying your liver. As the final segment in our blog series on spring and rejuvenation, this post will focus on a few products to support your detoxification and help you get to the new, healthier you.

Best of Greens™

Your mother always told you to eat more vegetables, because they were “good for you”, didn’t she? It’s probably a safe bet that everyone’s mother said the same thing. Well guess what? Mom was right. Again. But she probably didn’t know just how right she was. Many vegetables, especially the green ones, are considered “superfoods” – defined by the Oxford Dictionary as, “nutrient-rich foods considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.” Purium’s Organic Best of Greens™ is a synergistic blend of all the best green superfoods from both land and sea. And because it is green, it is a great source of chlorophyll – which is actually a natural detoxifier, to help your body eliminate toxins every day.

Cracked Cell Chlorella™

Chlorella is a type of single-celled green algae, about 2-10 microns in diameter (one single particle of cement dust is 2-4 microns in diameter), and is the highest source of chlorophyll compared to any other existing plant species on the globe (3.1%, as compared to wheatgrass which is 3% chlorophyll). In fact, Chlorella is so named because of this rich concentration of chlorophyll. In addition to being the best available source of chlorophyll, Chlorella contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber, nucleic acid, 20 amino acids, enzymes, and protein.

The health benefits of Chlorella are nearly as many as the panoply of healthful ingredients. So many are the benefits and so great is the potential of Chlorella, that researchers and scholars in biomedicine and biochemistry from Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea gathered at the 4th annual International Chlorella Symposium in 2004 – an international symposium organized by the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology and supported by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute – to present the following findings: Chlorella improves the metabolism, can help with constipation, regulates muscle building, improves digestion, and promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach. It also strengthens the immune system by improving the activity of both cells that defend against viruses, and macrophages that are known to stifle cancer cells. Because the cell wall of Chlorella enables it to effectively bond with metallic toxins such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, it can naturally neutralize or completely remove heavy metals from the bloodstream. Chlorella may also be a promising new treatment for osteoporosis, as it has been proven to increase both bone density and the rate of bone formation. It can even be used before an airline trip to counteract radiation exposure.

Purium’s Cracked Cell Chlorella™ is a great addition to your detox regimen, as well as a supplement for overall well being.

10-Day Transformation

Now, if you are really serious about not only detoxifying, but breaking your addiction to harmful foods, resetting your metabolism, and even losing weight – Purium’s 10-Day Transformation is just what you need. It is a complete, whole-body detox using nutrient-dense superfoods, slow-burning carbs and highly digestible protein to burn fat, build muscle, and cleanse your digestive tract. And, while it is not the end-game of the transformation, a healthy bonus to the program is that you can reasonably expect to lose a little weight, too (somewhere between 5 and 20 pounds)!

Of course, once you have successfully detoxified your body, you don’t want to revert to unhealthy eating habits. Nature’s Balance Acupuncture and Wellness Center can also provide an individualized plan of targeted nutritional support to help you maintain long-term wellness, and even treat chronic conditions including allergies, fibromyalgia and headaches.

Remember, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your liver is one of the most important organs in your body. It is responsible for regulating and spreading the energy flow, known as Qi, throughout your body. As such, if your liver function is impaired due to a build-up of toxins, your Qi will be out of balance and many illnesses can occur. Detoxing your liver is a critically important first step to a rejuvenating spring, and a healthier, revitalized you.

Call Nature’s Balance Acupuncture and Wellness Center at (815) 788-8383 to learn more, or to schedule your individual wellness assessment.

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