Spring and Rejuvenation: Infrared Detoxification

Mar 21, 2016 | Acupuncture, Detoxing, Functional Medicine, Rejuvenation, Sauna Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wellness

Continuing with our blog series of spring and rejuvenation, we will be focusing on how infrared can help to detox the body.

When people think of detox, they often think of it being something you do only once a year, if at all. What they do not realize, is that their cells are constantly detoxifying. This is why it is essential that they are properly nourishing their cells, in addition to taking other measures to effectively detox the body, such as with infrared saunas or infrared body wraps.

Young woman relaxing in wooden finnish sauna. Attractive girl in bikini resting. Spa wellbeing pleasure. Profile side view.

Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

Research has shown that the body can effectively sweat out toxic substances, such as heavy metals, showing that the more you are safely sweating, the more toxins that can be expelled from your body.

With the use of a full spectrum infrared sauna, you can rest assured you are being provided with the safest, most effective way to sweat out those toxins. This will help you to reduce your symptoms of toxicity, boost your immunity, as well as increase your overall health and vitality.

The Benefits of Infrared Saunas

The full spectrum infrared sauna at Nature’s Balance Acupuncture uses near, mid, and far infrared to provide a range of health benefits.

  • Near Infrared: cell health, immunity, wound healing, skin rejuvenation, pain relief
  • Mid Infrared: pain relief, improved circulation, weight loss
  • Far Infrared: weight loss, detoxification, blood pressure reduction, relaxation, pain relief

Infrared Body Wrap

Another effective tool in detoxing the body is with the use of an infrared body wrap. With the use of far infrared heat, infrared body wraps are wrapped around your body, allowing the far infrared heat to penetrate the skin, muscles, and fat, which will help to detox your body, increase your blood flow and circulation, boost your metabolism, and help to improve your body’s energy consumption.

The Benefits of Infrared Body Wraps

The far infrared body wraps at Nature’s Balance Acupuncture and Wellness Center promote increased blood flow and circulation as well as boosts metabolism and energy consumption in order to help do the following:

  • Burn Calories
  • Body Contouring
  • Reduce Cellulite
  • Reduce Stress
  • Pain Relief
  • Rejuvenate Skin
  • Cellular Detoxification

Since every person is different, it is best to consult with Nature’s Balance Acupuncture and Wellness Center before having any infrared treatments done. Contact us for more information and to see how we can help ensure your body is rejuvenated this spring.

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