Tips for Successful Resolutions

Jan 25, 2016 | Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, Resolutions, Stress Reduction, Weight Loss, Wellness

Resolutions colors new year 2016 word cloud

With the New Year, often comes New Year’s resolutions. Let’s face it, by mid-January, most people have started to fall of the wagon, breaking their resolutions. However, resolutions not only can be obtainable, but they can be made year-round.

In order to stop the cycle of resolving to make change, then not following through, here are some helpful tips to making your resolutions successful:

Avoid making last minute resolutions. It is hard to change yourself, or to make a complete change in one day. Instead of focusing on making a change last minute, make incremental changes. This will help to make a difference in the long run, as well as give you the opportunity to better plan for your resolution.

Make incremental resolutions. By making a couple of small resolutions, instead of one large or several unobtainable ones, you are more likely to succeed at your resolution. Try making these small changes for 21 days, making them more of a habit, than a nuisance. Once you have successfully done that, you can continue to make more small changes. Just remember to practice patience and persistence in order to achieve these results.

Practice positivity. Resolutions can often become stressful and challenging. It is always a good idea to stay positive by practicing positive thinking, as well as surrounding yourself with supportive and positive people. They can play an important role in motivation and positive change.

Be persistent. Don’t fret if you find yourself losing steam, or even falling off the wagon. There is no rule that says you cannot start over again. If you recommit yourself, try doing it in 24-hour increments. This will help to build on each other, putting you back on track before you know it.

Any time you make a change in your life, it is critical to avoid beating yourself up and obsessing over your mistakes. These will not help you to achieve your goal. Keep your head up and practice until you make perfect.

Nature’s Balance Acupuncture and Wellness Center can help you to achieve your goals this year. From weight loss, to stress reduction, to improving your health and achieving better balance and more harmony, we have a solution to your health issues. Contact us for more information today.

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