March Qi-Mail Newsletter: Going Green

Mar 7, 2017 | Detoxing, Functional Medicine, Healthy Eating, Newsletters Archive, Nutrition, Wellness

Our March edition of the qi mail newsletter showed you all the ways to make this March the spring-ahead your body needs. We zeroed in on healthy eating, spring detox season, and ways to spruce up your health patterns by getting a baseline on your current health. Enjoy this month’s ‘qi mail’ and, as always, let us know what health & wellness news you’d like us to cover in the months ahead.View The March Qi-Mail Newsletter Don’t forget, we are offering a special promotion all March long: 20% off your personalized supplement package when you take a baseline of your health with our ZYTO wellness scan.

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In the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine, Qi is vital force & energy flow. Give your’s a boost with our free ‘QiMail’ wellness newsletter! Subscribers get the latest sales and special events from Nature’s Balance, plus useful health and wellness advice.