Microneedling, known also as “Collagen Induction Therapy,” is a convenient, effective, and long-lasting treatment that helps address common skin issues in a way that typical spa services simply cannot.
Rejuvenate your skin from the inside out.
Discover a convenient, effective, and long-lasting treatment that helps address common skin issues in a way that a spa service cannot.
Collagen Induction Therapy can help:
- Reduce the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles
- Treat hyperpigmentation issues, such as age spots and dark circles
- Smoothen the skin’s texture
- Tighten loose skin, including bags or puffiness under the eyes
- Reduce pore size
- Restore skin cells’ ability to grow and divide

Additionally, Collagen Induction Therapy can reduce the appearance of stretch marks or scars. When used on the scalp, this treatment can help stimulate hair growth.
As practitioners of Oriental Medicine, we also resolve imbalances in the body that can negatively impact the condition of your skin. The combination ofCollagen Induction Therapy and internal balancing can make your skin more youthful and luminous than ever before.
Look more refreshed with just a 30-minute treatment!
After one 30-minute treatment, many people notice that their skin looks brighter and firmer just a few days later.
What is Collagen Induction Therapy and how does it work?
A Licensed Acupuncturist uses a state-of-the-art pen-like medical device to create tiny channels in the skin. These micro channels stimulate the skin’s natural healing process, which produces collagen and elastin—making skin tighter and smoother.
Next, we apply natural serums to your skin to increase collagen production. Each client’s treatment includes a proprietary serum, made from a unique plant extract that increases production of cells under the epidermis, plus additional serums customized to address your skin’s individual conditions, such as dark circles under the eyes or discoloration of the skin.
Unlike microdermabrasion, which removes layers of skin and can create a greater risk of color changes, infections and loss of pigmentation, the tiny channels created during Collagen Induction Therapy enable the skin to absorb up to 3,000% more of the serums to maximize the impact of the treatment.
Enjoy long-lasting results with no down time.
Your new, more youthful appearance can last between 4-6 years after your treatments. Some people find that just one Collagen Induction Therapy appointment helps them achieve the results they desire. Most people, however, will experience maximum results after 4-6 treatments, with no more than one treatment per month.

Conveniently, a Collagen Induction Therapy treatment is easy to fit into your schedule—some people even schedule the procedure during their lunch break.
Keep in mind that you will experience redness initially for 8-12 hours. To avoid irritating your skin after the procedure, you should refrain from exercising, sunbathing, wearing makeup, and using facial soap for the rest of the day. You can resume your normal activities and skin care routine the morning after your treatment.

Collagen Induction Therapy services at Nature’s Balance Acupuncture
Our Licensed Acupuncturists use state-of-the-art Collagen Induction Therapy equipment, including a premium Class 2 medical device and single-use tips.
To super charge your treatment, we apply high-grade, powerful serum treatments to help support your skin’s hydration, collagen production and rejuvenation to help you achieve a more youthful glow.